SPROUTS – Support Clients in Their “Germination”


A Coaching Model By Lilly Turner, Lifestyle Coach, SINGAPORE

The Visible Sign That Germination Has Been Completed “SPROUTS”

SPROUTS Lilly Turner Coaching ModelIn flowering plant development, seed germination is the transition of the quiescent embryo, which has developed from the fertilized ovule, into a new photosynthetically active plant. The visible sign that germination has been completed is the protrusion of the radicle, the precursor of the root, through the seed coat; germination begins, however, with water uptake by the seed (imbibition) and ends with the start of elongation the embryonic axis inside the seed[1]. Germination results from a combination of many cellular and metabolic events; Seed germination is the most important stage in a plant’s life cycle. Water, air, temperature, and light are all essential for seed germination[2].

Like in plant germination, when people want to have a change, this must start from the inside but it also needs the support of the things around.

As a coach, my goal is to support clients in their “germination” process, turning seeds into sprouts.

SPROUTS “Germination” Process

Undertaking (commitment to)

SPROUTS Lilly Turner Coaching ModelSPARK

Carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary. (Dead Poet Society)

Besides the common definition of spark, Merriam-webster dictionary defines it as “a latent particle capable of growth or developing”, Cambridge dictionary as “a feeling or quality that causes excitement”.

A spark is something that grows inside us, like a tiny burning light that pushes us to change. Is the feeling that happens when we make a wish after founding a four-leaf clover; is the trigger, the small flash of energy that makes us start the journey.

And what makes you start the journey? which are the driving forces?

SPROUTS Lilly Turner Coaching ModelPERSPECTIVE

Just when you think you know something, you have to look at it in another way. Even though it may seem silly or wrong, you must try. (Dead Poet Society)

Perspective is a feeling or an opinion about something or someone, a point of you. It’s about how people see and live things, a way of looking at or considering a series of events.

Our perspective determines how we see circumstances. We cannot always change our circumstances but we can decide to change our perspective at any time, re-framing them. And what’s happens when we go through the reframing process? New possibilities, new ways of seeing the situation will appear[3].

SPROUTS Lilly Turner Coaching ModelREASONS

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. (Neale Donald Walsch)

As a skydiver, a question that always accompanied me was: “Why would you want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane?”. The answer for me was always very simple: “I don’t know, I’m curious about what I will find”. I was leaving a safe and trustworthy airplane for jumping into the sky and the unknown. But what an amazing feeling!

A lot of things can go wrong during skydiving; you have to pack your gear, prepare yourself and go on the airplane, you can be as prepared as possible but you cannot predict how the jump will be. You can only live that moment, living every single second.

When someone decides to change, to start evolving there are always people asking about the reasons, the “Why”.But do we need to have to explain our reasons? Maybe is just a feeling, something starting from the inside that you cannot clearly define.

As a coach, I like to focus on feelings, on where are you now, on who are you.

I’ll help you to focus on your unique journey, on your adventure. Do we need to deeply understand the reasons? Do we need to know what to expect?

SPROUTS Lilly Turner Coaching ModelOUTCOME

Focus on the journey, not the destination. (Paul Theroux.)

We are increasingly bombarded with messages about the importance of setting goals, deciding who we want to be, when we want to become that person, how we want to do it, etc.

I’ve spent a quite big part of my life feeling inadequate because I’m not a goal-oriented person, I don’t know who I want to be in 15 years and I don’t know how to become the person I’m supposed I want to be. And now? I’m not hoping to be happier at some point later in my life, I’m enjoying my journey following a direction without having a designated destination.

Let your new adventure begin! But remember, “nobody queues for a flat rollercoaster” but I’ll be on your side during the next ride.

SPROUTS Lilly Turner Coaching ModelUNDERTAKING

To begin, begin. William Wordsworth

According to Collins, when you undertake an action, you start doing it and accept responsibility for it. 

What does it mean to take responsibility for your actions? Essentially, this means acknowledging your role in your own life – accepting the good and the bad.

By stepping up and accepting that you are in charge of what is going on that your actions have consequences, you can find ways to make those consequences positive. You can be proud of yourself when you succeed at something and you can forgive yourself when things go wrong.


Nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, everything is transformed. (Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier)

Transformation is a complete or major change in someone or something (Merriam-Webster), in biology, is a permanent change in a cell.

Transformation happens when the understanding of ourselves and the world around us significantly shifts. It occurs when we go beyond the bounds of our current understanding and awareness. Transformation is a journey that opens the way to a lot of opportunities.

Who are you now? Look behind your shoulder to see all the steps you have done and be proud about who you were, how you changed, and who you are becoming.


SPROUTS Lilly Turner Coaching Model

Don’t just fly, soar. Dumbo

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Bewley JD, Black M: Seeds, germination, structure, and composition. In Seeds: Physiology of Development and Germination. New York: Plenum Press
Bove, J., Jullien, M. & Grappin, P. Functional genomics in the study of seed germination. Genome Biol 3
ICA Reframing perspective document
All the pictures belong to Marco Pietro Rossi, mostly known as Pescegatto. A skydiver, a friend, and somehow, an inspiration. Blue Sky my friend, we miss you.

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