Alexander Scelso AKA Sitanya Face Guests On Triversity Talk! Wednesday February 1st, 2023 at 7 PM ET


Wendy Stuart and Steven Bloomer Teague will be hosting TriVersity Talk! This Wednesday at 7 PM ET in a replay with featured guest Alexander Scelso AKA Sitanya Face. This episode is a part of The Best Of TriVersity Talk series that takes place on the first Wednesday of each month.

TriVersity Talk! is a weekly web series with featured guests discussing their lives, activism and pressing issues in the LGBTQ Community. With TriVersity Talk!, the goal is to laugh and learn.

TriVersity Talk! Is part of TriVersity’s ICARE Initiative. ICARE stands for Increasing Community Awareness through Relevant Education. ICARE Programs are generously funded by The Greater Pike Community Foundation.

More about Alexander/Sitanya: Alexander Scelso aka Sitanya Face is a Brooklyn born and raised actor, published spoken word poet and drag queen. Turns pain and turns it into art and comedy. Sews together words to tell stories to make people feel and think. Most notably known for ‘The Unicorn That Discovered Self-Love’ which evolved from a one man show at The Tank to a published poetry play available at to a one queen show at Don’t Tell Mama and hopefully a tour of NYC venues. Follow on Instagram @thesitanyaface for all updates.


Watch Alexander Scelso aka Sitanya Face on TriVersity Talk! Live on Wednesday at 7 PM ET on YouTube here:




Subscribe and listen to TriVersity Talk! On Apple Podcasts/iTunes here:


The official website for the TriVersity Center may be found at



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