Simon Sinek On Why Business Is An ‘Infinite Game’


Simon Sinek is best known for popularizing the concept of knowing your WHY, which he described in his viral TED Talk. That talk went on to become the second most-watched TED Talk of all time! Years later, his interview on millennials in the workplace broke the internet with over 80 million views in its first week. This led to Simon being YouTube’s fifth most searched term that year.

In his newest book, The Infinite Game, Simon contrasts sports and business. “Finite games, like football or chess, have fixed rules, the players are known, and the winners and losers are easily identified,” he explained. “In infinite games, like business, the players come and go, the rules are changeable, and there is no defined endpoint. There are no winners or losers in an infinite game; there is only ahead and behind.”

Here, you will learn how to adopt Simon’s infinite mindset so you can be more innovative and increase morale. 

Simon is a leader whose words have changed many lives. In this conversation he shares a story that changed him, a story from a dramatic day spent with US troops in Afghanistan.

You will learn:

3:30   How to exponentially increase motivation.

9:15   The shift that happens when you know who you are in service of and why it matters.

30:00  How businesses can learn from the military’s constant improvement.

33:00  How to play a finite game with an infinite mindset.

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