In 2019, the manufacturing industry generated nearly 2 petabytes of new data, more than any other sector worldwide. And while manufacturing is one of the most automated industries in terms of production, most companies still rely on whiteboards and Excel spreadsheets when it comes to leveraging this data to manage, plan, and optimize their business.
The Biden Administration has made immigration a core issue of its agenda. While many of the headlines focus on pathways for individuals and families, there have been significant changes on the business immigration front, as well. After a difficult four years for global mobility, there is a clear effort underway to improve opportunities for foreign-born
Despite the pandemic and economic contraction of the past year, the talent war continues to rage, and CEOs want their human resource chiefs to spend more time finding, retaining and upskilling great employees, according to a new survey by Chief Executive and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). But the survey, which polled 243
With vaccine penetration approaching herd immunity levels, businesses rebounding and re-opening, and more optimism around a “return to normal” this fall, there is yet another pandemic looming that threatens business: A talent pandemic.  The COVID 19 pandemic not only radically affected our personal lives in profound ways, it also radically shaped the professional work landscape
Running a company is hard enough. But running a company during the Covid-19 pandemic has been the most challenging situation I’ve encountered in my professional career. This past year has presented so many obstacles and challenges, as well as opportunities. Here are the lessons I learned and wisdom I gained from leading the organic meal
Everyone remembers that feeling of the first day at a new job. The mix of excitement, trepidation and eagerness is a strong combination of emotions fueling those first few days and weeks. Now, layer on top of a new job the emotional cocktail of being a CEO for the first time and set it within
Often, executives unknowingly encounter (and find themselves existing in) a success paradox where there are more responsibilities, more expectations, more pressure, more stress, but less time available for themselves. This paradox, of course, leads to exhaustion. But executives aren’t executives by accident. They’ve climbed this trajectory of success because they’re brilliant, relentless, and most importantly,
Companies are created, expanded, allowed to wither and die or get revived by their leaders. Walmart started to digitize in 2001, but those efforts didn’t go anywhere until Doug McMillon became CEO in 2014. Microsoft was treading water until Satya Nadella took over. Larry Page and Sergey Brin created a new competitive field. So did
In working with CEOs for decades, we acknowledge how difficult this question really is. In the past 15 years we’ve seen growing interest in developing more emotional intelligence and with it, executives being more open to the advantages of greater transparency and authenticity.  That inevitably raises the issue of vulnerability.  Can a CEO really be
Some had predicted a global pandemic, but no one had prepared for it. There was no handbook for navigating such an historic event, and there still isn’t. No words can describe or do justice to how it’s impacted every one of us, old and young, rich and poor, all around the globe. Responding to unfamiliar
Digital transformation requires modern, digital technology. That may seem to be a truism, but it can be harder to actualize than it seems. The case of FedEx is illuminating. Founder and CEO Fred Smith attended Yale University in the 1960s. In an economics class, he wrote a paper on the need for a reliable overnight
There’s no question that employers have a stake in Covid-19 vaccinations. Greater numbers of vaccinated employees keep workplaces and communities safe, decrease absence, and help maintain the momentum of our economic recovery. Employers are considering what role incentives can play in increasing vaccination rates. Paid time off for vaccination and time to recover from any
As you may know, May is National Small Business Month. As the founder of a boutique, woman-owned business, I love taking this time to celebrate small business owners, who help drive our country’s entrepreneurial culture and economic health. In fact, as we continue to face challenges posed by the global pandemic, small consulting firms are
Digital transformation is the ultimate buzzword. Almost every business leader claims to know what it means, but far fewer know what it takes to accomplish it in their organization.  The past year has shown that having a modern technology ecosystem is paramount to business agility, growth and long-term success. As the CEO, it’s your responsibility