
Fifty years ago, The Beatles released the Red and Blue Albums, officially titled 1962-1966 and 1967-1970. The anthologies came out on April 2, 1973, and became the foundation of the Beatles legend for the next few decades. Arguably the most influential greatest-hits albums in history. The gateway drug into the Beatles songbook for generations of
Pras Trial “The defendant needed money and was willing to do anything to get it, including being an agent of the Chinese government,” prosecution told the court Grammy Award-winning rapper Prakazrel “Pras” Michel, best known as part of the Nineties hip-hop group the Fugees, pocketed hundreds of millions of embezzled Malaysian dollars in exchange for running
Hayer Elementary School, located in Waukesha, Wisconsin, was meant to feature Miley Cyrus and Dolly Parton’s collaboration “Rainbowland” during a spring concert, but a teacher revealed earlier this week that the song was pulled from the lineup. In an email to Wisconsin Public Radio, Waukesha Superintendent James Sebert stated: “The question was around whether the