Coaching Model: D.R.E.A.M.


A Coaching Model Created by Lilia Ianeva
(Life Coach, BULGARIA)

Nothing happens unless first we dream.– Carl Sanburg

Life Coaching Model Lilia IanevaWho am I?

My name is Lilia Ianeva, my life profession – a dreamer.

As long as I remember myself in this life, I always used to be a dreamer. Deeply inside me I always knew my dreams will become reality, never gave up on the journey till today. My dreams were always driven by the thought of loving people and wanting to serve them. With that in heart, I went through some professions, starting from hospitality and ending up as a cabin crew in aviation. Dream by dream, step by step here I am now sharing with you my coaching model D.R.E.A.M.

Why   D.R.E.A.M.?

It is highly connected with my identity as you have read above, as well as with my niche. I choose to work with the cabin crew in aviation. As I used to be one of them, I really believe we are all dreamers there. With my coaching model, I want to be a support for my lovely colleagues to follow their dreams and never give up especially today in those difficult times in aviation. I want to awaken the DREAMER within themselves. Together with presence, trust, and love, I would love to make that journey unforgettable for them.

Let’s begin the journey:

D – Design the life you want to have

With the help of coaching and NLP, I will assist my clients to go deeper inside themselves and find what they truly want for themselves and their surroundings. Many times, in life we know what we don’t want and with the help of my coaching, I will support them to find what they want, what they really desire. In the process, they will understand what is hiding behind their wishes, what are those wishes bringing for them. My clients need to understand that everything we want in our lives we want because of something more important for us. So, with the powerful questioning, they will get to know how their values are connected with their dreams. Only then they would be on the right path towards their growth. They will have this possibility to go deeper due to the space of love and trust and presence I will offer to them, so they can feel completely safe and comfortable to open up mainly to themselves.

R – Reality

The next step would be the exploration of the current moment so they can understand where are they in the matter of the goal and what else they need to do to move forward. Here I would use my curiosity and my intuition to check with them what is standing on their way to success, what they need to address to succeed. I will partner with my clients to find out their strengths and possibilities that can help them in the journey towards their dream. Some limiting beliefs will start arising at that moment so giving the time for my clients to pause and reflect will be very meaningful.

Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams – Ralph Waldo Emerson 

E – Elevate awareness

Turn the CAN’TS into CANS.

Here comes the moment of shifting perspectives around those limiting beliefs and some unhealthy habits clients are having. Most of our limiting beliefs are formulates in our childhood. Some others could come from media, friends but they really don’t belong to us. Maybe some time ago they were serving us but we don’t need them anymore, they can be just a blocker for us. In the session sometimes it’s enough to create and elevate the awareness around them, just putting them in words is making the client shift their way of thinking. This is one of the most important parts because without shifting the thinking around the belief the result won’t be sustainable.

A – Action plan

In this stage, clients decide what becomes possible for them with the new way of thinking. It feels like completing the cycle in the coaching session. At this moment I will be asking questions about the action plan so my clients can create complete clarity around the plan and gain extra empowerment and motivation in completing it. Here comes the time for the client to put some structures in place. Taking the action through the SMART acronym together with the clients and helping them create that part of the responsibility of owning those actions are key elements in that stage of the session.

M – Moment for action outside the coaching session

Actions are like the legs of the dream. Without them, it would just remain a dream. The most important part of the journey is the time to act. This stage is owned completely by the client. Actions enable the client to complete their dream quicker and more efficiently. The distance between the client’s dream and reality is called action.

Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.- Joel A. Barker

Let’s change the world, let the coaching journey begin!

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