The YOU Coaching Model


A Coaching Model By Ken Cheung, Life Coach, Leadership Coach, CHINA

The YOU Coaching Model: Three Stages: Stage Y, Stage O, and Stage U.

In today’s fast-paced and complex world, many individuals seek guidance, direction, and support to enhance their personal and professional lives. Life coaching provides a valuable solution by empowering individuals to reach their full potential, set meaningful goals, and navigate life’s challenges with clarity and purpose.

The YOU coaching model is a framework that enables coaches to partner with clients in a systemic and continuous manner to understand, plan, and grow themselves. This model consists of three stages: Stage Y, Stage O, and Stage U.

YOU Coaching Model

YOU Coaching Model Ken CheungStage Y – You, the client:

In this stage, the primary focus is on the client. Represented by the character Y, with a center point and three lines pointing in different directions, Stage Y involves the coach collaborating with the client to gain clarity and explore three different aspects:

  • Who are you? This involves understanding the client’s identity, values, and beliefs.
  • Where are you? It explores the current challenges the client is facing and why they are significant.
  • What do you want? This focuses on helping the client define their desired goals.

Through active listening and powerful questioning, the coach guides the client to gain a deeper understanding of the issues they are facing, their emotional responses, and the specific outcomes they wish to achieve.

YOU Coaching Model Ken CheungStage O – Options and Cycle:

Once Stage Y is completed, the client gains clarity about their goals, background, and emotions. Stage O involves exploring various options. The coach works collaboratively with the client to identify and evaluate different possibilities. Additionally, the positive cycle and negative cycle power tools can play a vital role in this stage. By considering whether an action will lead to a positive or negative cycle, clients gain a fresh perspective on their options.

YOU Coaching Model Ken CheungStage U – Action and Review:

After the option exploration stage, it is time for action. On the one hand, U means up, which emphasizes standing up for an action. Clients must cultivate the motivation to initiate change. Without action, progress cannot be made. The swinging motion of the U character reflects the iterative nature of action and review. Clients are encouraged to take action and periodically review their progress, making adjustments as necessary.

YOU Personal Transformation

Life coaching is a long-term partnership that relies on continuity. The YOU coaching model, with its consideration of positive cycles during option exploration and the emphasis on continuous action and review, facilitates clients’ ongoing growth and development. By applying this model, individuals can experience continuous improvement and personal transformation.

Learn How to Create Your Own Coaching Model

Your Coaching Model reflects your values,
philosophies, and beliefs and must communicate who you will coach
and the problems you will solve.
Read more about creating your coaching model

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