Tough clients are just as likely as terrible bosses to send employees packing. So what can you do to ward off the negativity that comes from nasty clients? Try these techniques to build a cadre of clients who are a pleasure to work with and for. Move over, mediocre managers. Today, employee churn is just as
In May Fortune published its annual Fortune 500 list, with some initially promising headlines touting “record numbers” of women and Black executives running Fortune 500 companies. But the reality is much clearer as you read further. A mere 1.2%, or six, out of 500 CEOs are Black. Two of these leaders, Roz Brewer of Walgreens
Unity depends on trust. That might sound obvious, but you would be shocked how often founders talk the talk of unity without walking the walk of trust. You can’t have one without the other. Since founding Torii alongside Uri Nativ and Tal Bereznitskey, I’ve seen the importance of trust firsthand, however I’ve also witnessed that
Why You Should Create an Employee-First Culture For the first time in years, and perhaps decades, employees have unprecedented leverage in the workplace. Call it the Great Resignation or the Great Reshuffle, many employees are reevaluating everything from their work-life balance to the work they do for businesses. This reprioritization has employees looking to realign
An efficient executive search is usually a successful one. When schedules are set, agendas are respected, deadlines are met, and decisions are made on time, the result tends to be a process that participants feel good about and one that has found the right candidate for the role. An efficient search is especially important today
Fully 62% of business leaders say their companies need to do more to protect data, according to KPMG. Surveys show more consumers are worried about unlawful data sharing, such as through online advertising, than data breaches.   In our work with nearly 100 clients representing 75,000 websites, there are three common online advertising blindspots: misunderstanding the
Grammarly/Harris Poll released a study recently called The State of Business Communication. To examine what’s getting in the way of collaboration, productivity, and output in the hybrid work era, the research team surveyed 251 business leaders and 1001 knowledge workers employed full-time by companies with at least 150 employees. Among the more staggering findings: Poor
Many leaders avoid tough conversations.  As a result they contribute to mediocrity, and perpetuate an unsatisfactory status quo. They leave other people unaware of the problems and challenges that are theirs to solve and make progress with.  My work has focused on revealing the differences between more extraordinary leaders, and the average, typical, ho-hum leadership
Organizations are using 2022 as a “recovery year “ from the pandemic and the Great Resignation that has followed. As leaders we’re often jumping from fire drill to fire drill, so it’s easy to lose sight of long-term goals like countering the Great Resignation’s effects and listening to employee feedback. The data our company has
Despite how much is written about strategy and how much money is spent on it, academics and consultants continue to report chronic strategy practice failures: I argue that one reason for the failures is that strategy is still not fully defined. I’ve collected 75 concepts and definitions of strategy from authorities in multiple fields (see
The pandemic has led to an undeniable awareness of the need for a new C-suite leader, the CHO or the Chief Health Officer. This has been driven by the recognition of the importance of employee health for engagement, productivity, and risk management, along with lowering healthcare insurance costs. At the same time, more and more
Consumer overwhelm and distraction has seriously impacted shopping patterns and businesses around the globe. But consumers remember the brand experience, which makes it important for retailers to pay attention to the entire experience they create. As technology continues to be introduced for convenience purchasing, it’s important for retailers to adapt and pivot to technologies that