What are the characteristics of the top tech CEOs that make them admired and supported by over 90 percent of their staff? At an ever-increasing rate, it is their ability to communicate a clear vision, to focus relentlessly on execution, and to remain calm and cleared-headed while working through the constant bombardment of pressures and
In a dynamic changing world, most sectors are witnessing transformation. It is the speed, precision and safety that are the key drivers. Most transportation agencies are accelerating to translate mobility into a more seamless, sustainable, accessible, affordable and safe option. As a CEO in this sector or as an entrepreneur, how contemporary are you? We
Ten days ago, Elon Musk told staff, “Anyone who wishes to do remote work must be in the office for a minimum (and I mean *minimum*) of 40 hours per week or depart Tesla.” Ordering people to stay in the office is an option, but I don’t think it’s a realistic one. Remote work is
What operating surpluses are needed, at least? The bare minimum. Neither gaining nor losing money. This article gives the answer to this vexed question. It revolves around monitoring the operating surpluses on almost the top line of the cash flow calculation scheme. Periodical net cash flow information is rather late in being available. Steering on
How do you acknowledge and interact with life? Which of these two distinct approaches do you take: are you more likely to react or to respond? What’s the difference and why does it matter? provides the following definitions for the two terms:  React: “To act in response to an agent or influence.”  Respond: “To reply or answer
While fast e-commerce growth has helped small entrepreneurs grow their businesses, these brands are seeing diminishing returns in a continually growing market. Mainly because a handful of Big Tech companies, like Amazon and Google, are consolidating their power and using it to create hurdles for online sellers. To lend support to the millions of merchants
Approximately 50% of Americans receive healthcare benefits from employers, a benefit that 86% of employees surveyed for MetLife’s 20th Annual U.S. Employee Benefit Trends Study 2022 said was a “must have.”  Corporate benefits managers are responsible for the increasingly difficult job of evaluating and selecting benefits plans that strike the right balance between comprehensive coverage
More than ever before, boards of directors are recognizing that DEI not only contributes to organizational performance but also promotes better decision making, prevents blind spots in board deliberation, and enables them to access more resources and reach a broader community. Boards play an integral role in leading their companies through business and social change
In the Digital Age, businesses run on technology, especially information technology (IT), we’re always looking to find areas for improvement and increased efficiency. How do we find them? One way – the way IT has done it historically – is to wait for a complaint or request from someone connected with the line of business
Should the US Supreme Court eventually decide to over-ride Roe vs Wade as is suggested in the leaked draft opinion, US corporations will come under extreme pressure to ‘take a stand’. Many are already under such pressures.  Should they succumb or should they keep schtum? Being Political There is little doubt that the traditional corporate
Inflation, regulation, and supply chain shortages make it difficult for companies to compete while operating at the intersection of ESG and corporate stewardship.  Sometimes, I visualize corporate board members playing the game Twister as they attempt to avoid collapse while managing rules which can have unintended consequences.  Milton Friedman’s essay, “The Social Responsibility of Business
For years I’ve been asked during Q&A sessions, “Why is customer service so poor?” It’s often posed as a rhetorical question with no answer expected. But I answer it anyway.  The reason that you and I, as customers, consistently receive indifferent, transactional, or apathetic customer service is because exceptional customer service behaviors are always voluntary.  Now, there
“You don’t understand what I’m going through.” “You don’t really care about me and my colleagues.” “The culture in this organization is terrible.” “I’m leaving.” These and other complaints from employees who are defecting to competitors (or out of the workforce entirely) signal a growing dissatisfaction with a majority of organizations, for which many workers