What do most Fortune 500 executives have in common? They learned important lessons on the fields and courts of their high school and collegiate sports teams. In partnership with Chief Executive, former Sports Illustrated editor Don Yaeger hosts our weekly Corporate Competitor podcast, diving into the convergence of sports, business and leadership. A recent episode
As the boundaries between work and home continue to blur, how companies respond to social and political issues is more important than ever. Employees are taking note of their employer’s stance on key issues and subsequent actions, and creating an environment of trust, support and psychological safety can help leaders promote healthy engagement among employees.
Those hardest hit by sudden forced changes to their work is not determined by their skills, qualifications, experience or income level, but often by how people construct their sense of identity. A person’s work identity can help them advance through adversity or it can be their undoing, it can make or break them. Supporting the
If you’re reading this you may well be thinking, “do I really need to hire an HR person?” Many CEO’s and executives will recount their poor experiences with HR leaders and HR as a profession generally. It is often with significant reluctance and resignation that companies embark on the process of hiring HR into their
Since the beginning, fraudsters have always had one goal: separating hard working individuals and corporations from their hard-earned money. Often, the money that fraudsters steal is directed to fund even more dangerous activities throughout the world, including terrorism, human trafficking, arms deals, and government instability. Although the goal has stayed the same, tactics performed to
Innovation is supposed to be the lifeblood of Silicon Valley and other tech hubs around the world. But we rarely talk about what conditions it needs to thrive and be sustained over time. If you are working in an industry that has already been making products for a century, how can you innovate within a
As a business leader, I’ve found the last 20 months or so to be eerily like being a brand-new mum. Many sleepless nights, additional worry and stress, and the hope that one morning you’d wake up to find someone had provided you with a “how to” guide on navigating your new reality (I’m still waiting
Leadership has been highlighted as the behavior indicative of friendship, mutual trust, respect, and warmth. The key to leadership is based upon satisfying basic needs and verbalizing feelings of admiration, respect and trust toward themselves to meet higher desires through inspiring followers to provide newer solutions and create a better workplace. Executives can be made
The key code to bending reality is feeling what arises. The subconscious needs to be cleared of its contractions in order to access the zero-point field, which gives rise to physical reality. This is normal and why most everyone you know lives in contraction. Even experts in self-development usually skip over this and focus only
Employers seeking to increase the Covid vaccination rate of their employees may have seen press coverage and commentary on health insurance premium surcharges for those who are not vaccinated. While at a high level this approach may seem appealing, vaccine surcharges will create substantial administrative complexity for group health plan sponsors and will not likely
Goals are essential to every individual and organization. However, setting those goals is meaningless unless you pay attention to the course you’re traveling. We all start at Point A en route to our Goals and Objectives (Point C). Unfortunately, far too often, individuals and organizations get off track and get lost in dead-end behaviors (Point
Many times the terms personal brand and professional brand are used interchangeably, but there is a difference. As leaders, it’s important to recognize the difference and be intentional about supporting the pursuit of either or both for your team. Understanding the entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial aspects of what inspires an individual to develop a brand in
The strategist’s dilemma: According to Forbes, the amount of data created in the last two years is more than 90 percent of the world’s total data combined. Furthermore, IDC Global DataSphere forecasted in May 2020 that more than 59 zettabytes of data would be created, captured, copied and consumed in the world by the end
Sixteen-plus months into a global pandemic that created the largest work-from-home experiment the world has ever seen, companies are continuing to prepare for what a return to the office will look like. But with virtual exhaustion and disenchantment continuing to rise, how can employers support workers in this new era of work? To understand the