The COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed how companies around the globe operate their businesses. As a result, many large and small organizations are working to find a balance somewhere between in-office and at-home models, known as hybrid models. Meetings are a key component of the workday, yet hybrid meetings have not proven to be the
The Great Resignation seems to be getting worse. The quit rate in November was 3.4%, compared to 2.7% in November 2020, and well above September’s all-time highs. Unfilled job openings remain at unprecedented levels according to NFIB’s monthly jobs report. Big retailers are responding by pulling out all the stops; one recent example is Target’s rollout
Business inefficiencies exist in almost every market, wasting resources and, more importantly, missed revenue opportunities. With over 32.5 million small businesses in the United States, business owners don’t have time to waste and must look for ways to reduce credit risk while increasing revenues to achieve overall business success. However, due to its tedious nature,
U.S. companies spend roughly $8 billion a year on DEI initiatives and have little to show for it. Here’s the bottom line: Your business systems and climate reflect the people you’ve already hired. So if you want to replicate that workforce in the future, keep doing what you’re doing. But if you really want to
In a world where we can get almost everything we need with a few taps on our smartphones, people believe that hard work has become overrated. You’ve probably heard that you should work smarter, not harder. But is this true? Is it even good advice?  Back in the ‘90s, when I grew up, I knew all of
Recent debates surrounding President Biden’s plan for government spending on infrastructure has refocused attention on public debt, but the sleeping and dangerous debt giant is really private debt.    American households were drowning in debt before the COVID-19 crisis, and now they’re deluged by it. Household debt today totals $17.5 trillion, up 320 percent in relation
Purpose gets a bad rap in the leadership space. Purpose-driven leaders are labeled as woo or misguided even. But purpose, in its bigger context, is simply about meaning, and right now, purpose is having a moment. For almost two years, leaders have adjusted, shifted, pivoted, repositioned, and even abandoned offerings in the wake of a
It’s often said that “people don’t leave companies, they leave managers.” So if you’re seeing significant turnover in a team—or among your direct reports—then the source of the issue probably sits not with the team, but with you, the leader. I have found that if you want to build engagement that lasts, you need to
All companies are looking for ways to innovate in order to grow profits and marketshare, and competition is as fierce as it’s ever been. Some will grow faster than others—and most of those will have, as part of their secret sauce, diverse teams. That means bringing in employees of different genders and racial backgrounds, certainly,
The manufacturing industry is facing digital disruption on numerous fronts – and this is driving digital transformation. Increasing competition and changing demands means the pressure is on organizations to reduce costs, improve customer experience and increase profitability. All of this means that organizations must rethink how products are designed, manufactured and sold. As digitalization, automation
Popular discussions surrounding “the rise of the robots” often manifest as hyperbolic sci-fi posturing, though it is unlikely that the Terminator prophecy will come to fruition any time soon. But that does not mean “robots” (or at least digitally automated processes) are not rising in our world. In fact, according to an August 2020 Deloitte/IMA
In my 25+ years of enabling business leaders to lead successful and sustainable change, I have determined that extraordinary leaders possess three core, critical skills: The ability to deliver results The ability to influence, motivate and empower people (Emotional Intelligence) The ability to build extraordinary leadership teams Poor leaders possess none of these skills. Extraordinary
Having a great boss should be a desirable feature of an organization’s leadership culture. Yet despite earnest attempts in training and development, we have a long way to go. Gallup reports that one in two U.S. adults have left their job to get away from their manager and improve their overall life at some point
The gasps were audible – as were a few snickers. That’s what I heard not long ago when I told a gathering of senior corporate executives that that they should stop thinking of their brands as companies and start thinking of them as candidates.  What did I mean by that?  Glad you asked. What I’ve
When you’re the CEO, and without a hint of selfishness, I’d like to suggest that the culture is all about you.  What you say, what you don’t say, what you do, what you don’t do.  As much as culture is determined by the collective lived behaviours of the organisation (‘how we do things around here’)
As we prepare to head into the new year, organizational leaders must prepare for what’s next for their people, their companies and the world around them. Based on conversations with talent and leadership experts from across the globe, Korn Ferry has identified 10 talent and leadership trends for 2022. 1. The Great Resignation gets worse.
More than 100 years ago, Teddy Roosevelt delivered a speech at Le Sorbonne, University of Paris, titled Citizenship in a Republic, popularly known for its passage “the man in the arena.”  Future Hall of Fame quarterback Tom Brady saw this quote every day in the locker room during his time at the University of Michigan.
The pandemic brought many problems facing the business community to the forefront of people’s consciousness – owners, leadership, managers, and employees. As a result, the traditional outlook of having people work long hours and perform tasks without asking questions met a severe roadblock. Due to people changing from working in an office environment to working